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Populous II: Two TribesPopulous II: Two Tribes

Populous II: Two TribesPopulous II: Two Tribes

Populous II: Two TribesPopulous II: Two Tribes

Вторая часть легендарной стратегии Populous. Игра стала значительно лучше, заметно улучшилась графика, добавились новые функции и т.п. Как и в предыдущей части, вы управляете поселением, какое в принципе живёт своей жизнью. Вы должны помочь им развиться и уметь противостоять врагу. Можно менять ландшафт псевдо 3D местности.
Игра известна под такими названиями: "Populous 2: Two Tribes", "Populous 2: Wrath of the Gods", "Populous II: Wrath of the Gods", "Populous 2", "Populous II".

Second part of legendary strategy of Populous. Game became much better, the graphics considerably improved, new functions were added, etc. . As well as in the previous part, you operate the settlement what in principle leads the life. You should help to them to develop and be able to resist to the enemy. It is possible to change a landscape pseudo 3D districts.
Game is known under such names: "Populous 2: Two Tribes", "Populous 2: Wrath of the Gods", "Populous II: Wrath of the Gods", "Populous 2", "Populous II".

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