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Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Romance of the Three KingdomsRomance of the Three Kingdoms

Romance of the Three KingdomsRomance of the Three Kingdoms

Romance of the Three KingdomsRomance of the Three Kingdoms

Romance of the Three KingdomsRomance of the Three Kingdoms

Интересный файтинг Romance of the Three Kingdoms по роману Троецарствия и посвященный той эпохе. Обычно для Sega MegaDrive по данному роману делали только исторические стратегии и РПГ. Теперь же, пираты решили сделать ещё и файтинг, разумеется без лицензии от Sega (Unlicensed). Игра сделана на том же движке, на котором пираты сделали и Lord Of The Ring: The Return Of The King. В игре присутствует восемь игроков. Помимо стандартных приёмов, каждый из игроков обладает различной магией и во время игры, вы можете пополнять энергию при помощи бонусов, появляющихся во время битвы.
Игра так же известна как Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Chinese Fighter 3.

Interesting fighting of Romance of the Three Kingdoms devoted to that era. Usually for Sega MegaDrive according to this novel did only historical strategy and RPG. Now pirates, decided to make also a fighting, certainly without the license from Sega (Unlicensed). Game is made on the same cursor on which pirates made also Lord Of The Ring: The Return Of The King. At game there are eight players. Besides the standard receptions, each of players possesses various magic and during game, you can fill up energy by means of the bonuses appearing during fight.
Game as is known as Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Chinese Fighter III.

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