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Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of

Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures ofRocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of

Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures ofRocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of

Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures ofRocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of

Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures ofRocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of

Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures ofRocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of

Игра сделана по мотивам популярного мультсериала. Ваша цель помочь друзьям победить злодеев и вернуть ценности в музей. Так же будут и другие задания. Всего в игре семь уровней. Несколько мини игр.
Полное название игры: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Game is made based on a popular cartoon serial. Your purpose to help friends to win villains and to return values to a museum. As there will be also other tasks. In total in game seven levels. Some mini games.
Full name of game: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

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