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Pajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your FeetPajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Pajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your FeetPajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Pajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your FeetPajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Pajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your FeetPajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Pajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your FeetPajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Pajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your FeetPajama Sam - You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet

Игра с длинным названием "Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet" представляет собой детский квест (Junior Adventure). Данная игра является третьей в серии игр Pajama Sam. Главным героем этой игры является мальчик Пижама Сэм (Pajama Sam) на этот раз ему предстоит побороть свою неприязнь к здоровой пище – овощам, фруктам и т.п. После того как Пижама Сэм попадает в Mop Top Island на вечеринки в честь приветствия S.S.A.M, Сэм делает ошибку и попадает в тюрьму, откуда с успехом выбирается, прихватив с собой нового знакомого броккли по имени Florette. Тот рассказывает Сэму, что ему нужно попасть к делегации и не допустить войну. Так же позже Сэм от своего старого друга Морковки (Carrot) узнаёт что четыре делегата пропали, и если их не найти вовремя то генерал Beetfoot (General Beetfoot) начнёт войну. Теперь Сэму предстоит отыскать четырёх делегатов и помочь им справится с трудностями. По мере прохождения игры предстоит решать различные загадки и головоломки. Каждый раз, начиная играть заново, игра случайным образом генерирует некоторые события в игре. Так что игру можно будет проходить не один раз. Рекомендую всем, особенно детям.
Игра так же известна под названием Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet и Pajama Sam III: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet, Pajama Sam 3, Pajama Sam III.

Game with the long name "Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet" represents Junior Adventure. This game is the third in a series of the games Pajama Sam. The protagonist of this game is the boy the Pajama Sam this time to it it is necessary to overcome the hostility to healthy food – to vegetables, fruit, etc. After the Pajama Sam gets to Mop Top Island on parties in honor of S.S.A.M greeting, Sam makes a mistake and gets to prison, from where with success gets out, having taken with itself the new acquaintance broccoli by name of Florette. That tells to Sam that it needs to get on delegation and not to allow war. As later Sam from the old friend of Carrot learns that four delegates were gone, and if them not to find in time that the General Beetfoot will begin war. Now Sam should find four delegates and to help them will cope with difficulties. In process of passing of game it is necessary to solve various riddles and puzzles. Each time, starting to play anew, game in a random way generates some events in game. So it will be possible to pass game not once. I recommend to all, especially to children.
Game is known under the name Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet and Pajama Sam III: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet.

Pajama Sam 3 Русская версия
Pajama Sam: You Are what You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet (Vector)

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