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Небольшой TNG DEMO для Atari Jaguar. Это скорее просто проба пера программистов TNG. Так как нечего особо интересного в ней нет, две вращающихся 3D модели, логотип Atari и надпись TNG. После чего идут графически эффекты, что-то вроде “туннеля нирваны” и бегущая строка: “ Weeeeeeeeeeee!! It works! (Move Joypad!) This is Mr Spock of TNG, the lapplander happy hacking association =) First I want to thank Nick(16/32 system) for selling me the jagdev environment. If you had asked me 6 month ago if I would write a intro to the Atari Jaguar, the answer would have been no. It's not that I didn't want to, it was more because I'm doing my Thesis work and is quite busy. However, I stumbled across info about the Falun Coding Convention (FuCK) and thought it would be nice going there. I can only say.. it was! Thanks DHS! I started working on how to code the Atari Jaguar at the party and looked into Atari's 3D libraries, and hence the intro. The nice tunnel was done by Sym of TNG. This simple scroller is very simple indeed. BTW. all source code for this demo is available and free, except for the tunnel code. The scroller was not in the original intro, but since there was trouble with the 3d libs and midi player that stopped working all of a sudden, I switched to Sinister's module player and wrote the simple scroller. I will now start developing some stuff to simplify jaguar programming, but as I'm currently in the finishing stages of the thesis work, I must concentrate on that in the first place. However, in the summer or autumn, I will release a game for the jaguar. I will not say anything more than that right now and questions will not be answered :-) However, questions about C and Jaguar or coding in general will be answered. tng.spock@gmail.com is my mail address.I've released my environment, or rather the environment from Atari for developing on the Jaguar and all code released that I gotten hold of is compiling on it. I'll also develop some C routines to simplify developing jaguar games. Enough bullshit, Greetings goes to Evil and Gizmo of DHS. I would also like to thank Copson of Unit 17. These are people that I have accually talked to in person. I must also thank TEX for the first real !WOW! feeling on the ST. TCB for making some off the best demos on the ST. I'll stop there. I'll do some more greetings in my next scroller. I've got some plans so stay tuned =). I must send some fucking greetings as well. Falcon pro center and Claes. I know, they have been out off business for quite some time now, but I promised my self that my first scroll text would have fucking greetings to them. Anyway TNG, rulez! We'll be back! Time to let Sym in on this scroller. Hello Atari computer scene, Symmetry at the keyboard. most of you probably don't know who I am. I have unfortunately never had the budget (or time) to visit any of the Swedish hacks, but have always had at least one foot in the demo scene. Checking DHS homepage for updates every other day. Posting occasionally at the forum... Though I, some 4+years ago, decided to emigrate to the Jaguar scene. A scene which I have been virtually alone in since then, at least in Sweden. Greetings goes to: EVERYONE in, and who ever was, in the Falcon demo scene! Your demos is a great inspiration for coding! Jaguar specific greetings: CTS/NLC, AtariOwl, Stone and everyone in the UGD Jaguar scene...last but not least SPOCK who finally decided to join this, last and final frontier of Atari computing ;) may it lead to many prosperous adventures enough talk... Time to warp!”
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