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Знаете ли вы, в некоторых играх разработчики зашифровывают какие-то свои послания. Например, в игре Ninjara Hoi! на NES, как они тщательно ни скрывали свою приверженность к нацистскому прошлому Японии, все равно это получилось заметно. Эх, нехорошо получается, в игре повсюду вырисована свастика (заимствованная Адольфом Гитлером у Инков), и неважно, куда повернуты лучи, ведь, всё зависит от того, с какой стороны посмотреть.

- Просмотров: 2885

Старые добрые танчики (Battle City) теперь доступны и на Sega MegaDrive / Genesis. Игру перенёс totin он же Krikzz, игра получила название Battle City – md. Приоритетом при разработке порта было перенести игру как можно точнее. Получилось ли это у автора судить вам. Конечно кое-какие аспекты игры небыли перенесены до конца, например подсчёт очков. Но это не как не влияет на игровой процесс. Он остался вся тем же, каким и был много лет назад. Про саму игру рассказывать нечего не буду, думаю все и так знают, что такое Battle City.
Old Battle City are available now and on Sega MegaDrive/Genesis. Game is port totin aka Krikzz, game received the name Battle City – md. A priority when developing port was to transfer game as it is possible more precisely. Certainly some aspects of game weren't transferred up to the end, for example counting of points. But it not as doesn't influence game process. It remained all the same what was many years ago.
- Просмотров: 15055
The war is about to begin!
After successfully invading Japan, we are about to witness the first wave of next generation gaming on these shores. Manufacturers are promising enhancements over the current field of systems (NES, SMS, 7800), with graphics, sounds, and play that is nothing less than incredible. But even before the American game playing public has had a chance to examine the potential of a new machine, there is already a flood of 16-Bit and portable units on the way and headed for store shelves this September!
The lines have been drawn and the heavy artillery is about to be revealed to the game playing public. Three gaming superpowers-NEC, Sega, and Nintendo - are flexing their muscles with a variety of products that have to be seen to be believed!
Both NEC and Sega are poised to enter a heated battle for control of the 16-Bit system sweepstakes! Both companies are well-equipped with machines that have plenty of firepower and great games to match...
After successfully invading Japan, we are about to witness the first wave of next generation gaming on these shores. Manufacturers are promising enhancements over the current field of systems (NES, SMS, 7800), with graphics, sounds, and play that is nothing less than incredible. But even before the American game playing public has had a chance to examine the potential of a new machine, there is already a flood of 16-Bit and portable units on the way and headed for store shelves this September!
The lines have been drawn and the heavy artillery is about to be revealed to the game playing public. Three gaming superpowers-NEC, Sega, and Nintendo - are flexing their muscles with a variety of products that have to be seen to be believed!
Both NEC and Sega are poised to enter a heated battle for control of the 16-Bit system sweepstakes! Both companies are well-equipped with machines that have plenty of firepower and great games to match...
- Просмотров: 3474

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- Просмотров: 5585